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READY Tool: Readiness Evaluation of Transition to Adulthood for Deaf-Blind Youth

Transition Assessment

1.2 Develop a process directed by the individual

To the greatest extent possible, the individual with deaf-blindness should direct his or her own transition process.

1.3 Evaluate transportation needs

Include an evaluation of the individual’s current and future transportation needs (e.g., public transportation, independent driving, ambulation, orientation and mobility).

1.4 Identify needed accommodations, modifications, and assistive technology

Assess and advocate for the supports the individual will need to be successful in educational endeavors, independent living, community integration, and employment settings.

1.6 Assess performance in a range of settings

Assess the individual in familiar environments, performing familiar tasks, as well as in new environments performing unfamiliar tasks. Include an evaluation of participation in Pre-Employment Transition Services (PETS) through vocational rehabilitation as required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).