2019 Support for State Deaf-Blind Projects: Two-Part Webinar Series
Recorded July 17 and August 21, 2019
Part 1: National Partnerships for Systems-Change TA
Successful systems change requires strong state and national partnerships with entities that can influence or provide services for children with deaf-blindness and their families. This webinar will focus on national partnerships NCDB has established with organizations and agencies that can enhance state project efforts in four initiative areas: Family Engagement, Early Identification and Intervention, Interveners and Qualified Personnel, and Transition. There will be time for discussion about how to effectively engage with partners and share ideas for new partnerships.
Learning Objective:
State deaf-blind projects will gain knowledge of national partnerships that can be used to develop state partnerships that support systems-TA activities.
Part 2: NCDB TA Services
Following awards for a new 5-year funding cycle, NCDB has made revisions to the technical assistance it provides to state deaf-blind projects to reflect the requirements in OSEP’s request for applications published in August 2018. This webinar will cover:
- Changes to our TA structure and processes (published information will be available prior to the webinar for review)
- OSEP’s expectations for NCDB and the network
There will be time to discuss existing and emerging state project TA needs.
Learning Objective:
State deaf-blind projects will be able to identify the NCDB TA services that best support their work.
Webinar Resources
Associated Files
Presenter Information
Linda McDowell
NCDB Co-Director
Sam Morgan
NCDB Co-Director