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OHOA Module: The Sensory System, the Brain, and Learning

Learning Activity 1: The Box of Deaf-Blindness

Time to complete: 15 minutes

This activity involves watching the following 10-minute video. It introduces you to the "Box of Deaf-Blindness," a model designed to help people understand how to facilitate learning in students who are deaf-blind by providing ways for them to engage with the world through the sensory channels they have available. The concept of the "Box of Deaf-Blindness," and this video, were created by Kimberly Lauger. Kimberly is the mother of a child with CHARGE Syndrome and a trainer for the Arizona Deaf-Blind Project.


Watch this video:

Once you have finished watching the video, move on to the next activity, but keep the idea of the "Box" in mind as you go through the module. If you work with a student who is deaf-blind, think about how it applies to your student. At the end of the module, you will watch the video again and then complete an assignment based on your student or a case study student.


The information that comes through our sensory channels has a profound impact on how we organize information, how we function in everyday routines, and how we experience the world.