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OHOA Module: Intervener Strategies


Alsop, L., Blaha, R., & Kloos, E. (2000). The intervener in early intervention and educational settings for children and youth with deafblindness. Monmouth, OR: Western Oregon University, Teaching Research, National Technical Assistance Consortium for Children and Young Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind.

Alsop, L., Berg, C., Hartman V., Knapp, M., Lauger, K., Levasseur, C., Prouty, M., & Prouty, S. (2012). A family's guide to interveners for children with combined vision and hearing loss. Logan, UT: Ski-Hi Institute, Utah State University. Available from

Fields, C. J. (2014). Tips for home or school: Hand-under-hand prompting. Nevada Dual Sensory Impairment Project, Winter 2014 Newsletter, 22(2), 6-7.

Gleason, D. (2008, rev.). Early interactions with children who are deaf-blind. National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness. Retrieved January 20, 2015 from

Hoskins, L. (1976, Fall) An interview with Lewis Hoskins. The Deaf American, 9-10. Cited in Robbins, N. (Ed,), Deaf-blind education: Developing individually appropriate communication and language environments (p. 3). New England Regional Center for Services to Deaf-Blind Children.

McInnes, J. (1986). Intervention is the key. Intervention Newsletter/Bulletin, 10(1), 1, 4.

Miles, B. (1999). Conversation: The essence of communication. In B. Miles & M. Riggio (Eds.), Remarkable conversations: A guide to developing meaningful communication with children and young adults who are deafblind (pp. 54-75). Watertown, MA: Perkins School for the Blind.

Miles, B. (2003, rev.) Talking the language of the hands to the hands. Monmouth, OR: DB-LINK. Available at

Monaco, Carolyn. (2014). Personal communication.

Olson, J. (Ed.). (2002). Intervention: A guide to getting started. Richmond, BC: British Columbia Provincial Outreach Program for Students with Deafblindness.

Perkins. (no date). Reflections on deafblindness: Hands and touch. [Webcast] Available at http://www.perkinselearning.or...

Rodriguez-Gil, G. (2011, May). The intervener’s motto: Do with, not for. [Fact sheet]. California Deaf-Blind Services. Available at

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired [TSBVI]. (2011). A bridge not a barrier