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OHOA Module: Emergent Communication


Bruce, S. M., & Vargas, C. (2007). Intentional communication acts expressed by children with severe disabilities in high-rate contexts. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 23(4), 300-311.

Daelman, M., Janssen, M., Ask Larsen, F., Nafstad, A., Rodbroe, I., Souriau, J., Visser, T. (2001). Congenitally deafblind persons and the emergence of social and communicative interaction. Communication Network Update Series, No. 2. Dronninglund, Denmark: Nordic Staff Training Center for Deafblind Services (NUD). Retrieved from

Janssen, M., & Rodbroe, I. (2007). Communication and congenital deafblindness: Contact and social interaction. The Netherlands: VCDBF/Viataal, St. Michielsgestel.

Larsen, F.A. (2003). The washing-smooth hole-fish: And other findings of semantic potential and negotiation strategies in conversation with congenitally deafblind children. M.A. thesis in Cognitive Semiotics. Center for Smiotics, University of Aarhus. Communication Network Update Series No. 9. Regrieved from

Project SALUTE. (no date). Mutual tactile attention. Retrieved from

Project SALUTE. (no date). Object cue. Retrieved from

Rodbroe, I., & Janssen, M. (2006). Communication and congenital deafblindness: Congenital deafblindness and the core principle of intervention. The Netherlands: VCDBF/Viataal, St. Michielsgestel.

Rowland, C. (2013). Handbook: Online communication matrix. Oregon Health and Science University. Retrieved from

Souriau, J., Rodbroe, I., & Janssen, M. (2006). Communication and congenital deafblindness: Making meaning. The Netherlands: VCDBF/Viataal, St. Michielsgestel.

Van den Tillaart, B. (2000). Encouraging reciprocity in interaction between deafblind people and their partners. DbI Review, January-June 2000, 6-8

Vege, G Bjartvik, R.F., & Nafstad, A. (2007). Traces [DVD] Andebu, Norway: Andebu Dovblindcenter.