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OHOA Hosting Responsibilities in Intervener Training Programs

Use of the Open Hands, Open Access (OHOA) Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules is often one component of intervener training provided by state deaf-blind projects. This page provides information about hosting responsibilities based on what we learned during the 2017-2018 Intervener Training Pilot Project (ITTP). We hope it serves as an inspiration for further conversation on this topic.

Host Roles and Responsibilities

Based on NCDB's experience with the ITPP and conversations with current and veteran hosts, we have learned much about the needed qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of an effective host.

When reviewing these details, keep in mind that module hosting is only one part of an intervener training program and that hosts work under the supervision of designated state deaf-blind project personnel.  

Knowledge and Skills

  • Deep knowledge of deaf-blindness
  • Understanding of and/or experience facilitating online learning
  • Familiarity with the OHOA modules
  • Familiarity with Moodle or another online module format
  • Knowledge of the role of the intervener
  • Familiarity with the CEC intervener competencies
  • Strong oral and written communication skills

General Responsibilities

  • Complete the OHOA Host Training and Support Module
  • Adapt modules and assignments as needed
  • Conduct introductory webinars
  • Assist state deaf-blind project personnel in assessing participants for placement in cohorts

Hosting Intervener Candidates Through a Module

  • Provide feedback on all assignments
  • Provide feedback through discussion boards
  • Actively engage learners in all aspects of the modules
  • Problem-solve technical issues
  • Monitor participant use of the modules and notify the state deaf-blind project lead of participants with low levels of use so they can step in to provide support
  • Host webinars at regularly scheduled intervals to facilitate discussions about module topics.

Additional Responsibilities

  • Encourage participants to give feedback on the training by completing the OHOA evaluation survey and any other evaluations created by the SDBP
  • Assist intervener candidates in learning about the National Intervener Certification E-Portfolio (NICE)
  • Host NICE training modules (because the content of these modules is quite different from the OHOA Modules and they are intended for both intervener candidates and mentors, some state projects may elect to host these modules themselves rather than hire a host)