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National Intervener Certification E-Portfolio (NICE)

Important Update Regarding NICE Certification

September 2023

Support for intervener certification/credentialing is strong in the field of deaf-blindness. It’s an important way for interveners to show they have acquired the core set of skills needed to provide intervener services. 

Since 2017, NICE has been offered through the Paraprofessional Research and Resource (PAR2A) Center, with financial support and technical assistance from NCDB. 

Although NCDB strongly supports certification/credentialing for interveners,  we are unable to continue it after September 30, 2023. This change is based on the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs’ funding priorities for NCDB and is not a reflection on the quality and rigor of the NICE certification process.

NCDB will still be very involved in providing technical assistance and training to state deaf-blind projects to support interveners. Widely available, high-quality intervener services are important to state deaf-blind projects, NCDB, families, and other state and national partners. We are excited to continue working with them to advance the recognition and training of interveners. For questions related to these activities, contact Kristi Probst at NCDB. 


NICE - National Intervener Certification E-Portfolio Logo


Current Candidates

The PAR2A Center will continue to support candidates who currently have portfolios in Venture up until each candidate’s original deadline. For more information contact Ritu Chopra ( at the PAR2A Center.