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Previous Monthly Update - August 2023

Grant Awards for 2023-2028

Congratulations to all the state deaf-blind projects for their awarded grants for 2023-2028. So much hard work, time, and effort was put into writing these grants to better the lives of children who are deaf-blind. NCDB staff look forward to working with all of you in the coming years. 

If you have any staff changes, please complete the DB Project Change Notification Form.



Product Highlight: Identification of Usher Syndrome

Have you had a chance to review Identification of Usher Syndrome: Information and Resources, published by NCDB last February? Authored by Nancy O'Donnell, Outreach Director of the Usher Syndrome Coalition, it offers a wealth of information on the types and characteristics of Usher, how it is diagnosed, and the importance of timely referral. It includes fact sheets with information specifically designed for educators, healthcare professionals, and families.

New Module: Early Intervention for Children Who Are Deafblind

We are excited to announce the release of Early Intervention for Children Who Are Deafblind, the second module in our popular series “Teaching Children Who Are Deafblind: Professional Development for Educators.” It can be incorporated into professional development training platforms and accessed for free on the NCDB website. Please share this with educators and colleagues in your state. Watch the module trailer for a quick overview.

OHOA TA Reminder

As the new school year approaches, we want to remind all state-deaf blind projects planning to host "Open Hands, Open Access (OHOA): Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules" for cohorts within Moodle to submit TA forms early. Read NCDB Technical Assistance and Support for OHOA for details about the process. 





New Journal Articles

Paramasivam, A., et al. (2023, July). The international classification of functioning, disability and health core set for deafblindness – Part I: A systematic review of outcome measures. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Beth Kennedy, Director of the Michigan deafblind project, is one of the authors of this article.

Zhang, D., et al. (2023). An Investigation of the Collaborations Between Educators and Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors in Providing Pre-Employment Transition Services. Inclusion, 11(2), 135-146.

CHARGE Syndrome Conference Presentations

Presentations given at the 15th International CHARGE Syndrome Conference, held July 20-23, are now available from the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation. The presentations, which cover a wide range of topics, are arranged by presenters' last names. You can find the session titles and presenters names in the conference agenda.




Archived Monthly Updates

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