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September Monthly Update

Fall sunset with the word "September"

Now Available Spanish!

Our popular factsheet, “An Overview of Deafblindness,” is now available in Spanish. Like the English version, it covers what deafblindness is, how many children are affected, and how children who are deafblind learn and communicate. Please share this important resource with Spanish-speaking families and educators in your state.

¡Ahora en español!

Important Save the Date: October 25

Please save the date for an online pre kick-off meeting for state deafblind projects, October 25, 2023, 3pm to 5pm Eastern Time. This is required for project directors, but all staff are encouraged to attend. Susan Weigert will discuss expected outcomes for the new cycle and other general information. Registration and additional details will be sent via email soon.


Family Key Topic: Including Deafblindness in the IEP

There is a new "Family Key Topic" on our website. Including Deafblindness in the IEP provides information families share with educators and administrators, about practices for identifying, assessing, and educating children who are deafblind. Please share this important resource with families in your state.

Website Highlight: Support from NCDB

As you prepare for your new grant cycle, be sure to check out the NCDB Support for State Deaf-Blind Projects page. It provides an overview of the technical assistance services NCDB provides related to child-specific and systems TA and a comprehensive list of resources and products to inform state deaf-blind project activities.






New Articles

Brum, C., & Bruce, S. M. (2023). Shared reading with learners who are deafblind: Instructional materials and learning environments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness

James, T. G. (2023). Inadequate funding impacts state deafblind projects in the United States. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness

Sutter, C., & Demchak, M. (2023). Evaluation of the system of least prompts to teach symbol use to children who are deafblind. Education & Training in Autism & Developmental Disabilities, 58(3). 

If you need help accessing an article, contact

Teaching Children Who Are Deafblind Modules

In July, we released Early Intervention for Children Who Are Deafblind, which is the second module in our popular series Teaching Children Who Are Deafblind: Professional Development for Educators.It can be incorporated into professional development training platforms and accessed for free on the NCDB website. Please share this with educators and colleagues in your state.




Upcoming Events

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