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NCDB posts a Family Fun Fact on Facebook and Twitter. These stories, photos, and videos celebrate families of children who are deaf-blind and provide tips and ideas that might be useful to other families. Below is our archive of Fun Facts organized by state. 

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If you have a child with deaf-blindness and would like to share a Family Fun Fact, we would love to feature it on this page and in our social media. To submit a fun fact, complete this form.

Family Fun Fact Submission Form



January 8, 2021

David loves riding Chief! He has learned to communicate with him using visual and tactile signals, so their bond is strengthened by having similar ways to communicate.

David rides a horse.

May 14, 2021

Lani participated in the Iowa Miss Amazing Pageant to crown this years Pre-teen queen. Lani won Pre-teen Queen last year but due to COVID Nationals was cancelled, Lani and this year's queen will both be attending the National Miss Amazing Pageant in Nashville in July.

Lani wearing a purple dress and her Iowa Miss Amazing sash.

April 16, 2021

"In seeking grants to make our home handicapped accessible for Benjamin, we were blessed beyond measure from Achieva Family Trust. This organization is clearly established, managed beautifully, and we are grateful." 

Ben and mom sit in a couch swing.

April 9, 2021

Charlotte is reading a braille book that she wrote to her dad. She receives about an hour of braille instruction each school day. Her teacher motivates her by allowing Charlotte to choose a topic that interests her. This book is all about her favorite color, pink!

Youtube Video


September 18, 2020

Seven-year-old Allen Shimkus enjoys life in his community and school. In Lakeview, Arkansas, parents Julie and Aaron Shimkus share what he loves – using all his senses! He enjoys playing the drums, swinging with an adapted swing in the schoolyard, bowling with his dad and sister, being in the park helping his family pick up trash, and most importantly loving girls.

Allen playing drums, swinging and bowling with dad and sister.

April 24, 2020

This is Logan, our 14 year old, adopted son. He is part of our seven person family living in quarantine, to save lives. He is our superhero! Logan’s stander was transported to our home, since school has been closed. No therapies from outside the home are happening during this time. Logan is just getting back into his stander after surgery and then a year long recovery period following a pressure sore on his heel. He is very alert and vocal when in his stander. Here he is participating in making fish and fries for supper with his dad. He nods yes and no and is typically tactilely defensive, but loves the frozen fries on his tray and placing his hands on them.

Logan in his stander alert and happy.

April 17, 2020

We are the Criswell Family in the SF area. Tyler loves so many things it’s hard to pick. He loves to travel and plan trips, go on walks with his K9 buddy, play baseball with his special needs team, sleeping with his sheets that have the world on them. He loves being with his brothers. He loves technology and his very favorite thing is relaxing in the hot tub with his family.

A collage of Tyler walking, holding a chick and smiling.

May 22, 2020 

During the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve remained entertained through light. There’s so many ways to play with light. From nestling with fiber optics to exploring different shapes with the light panel, and most fun of all, a glowing bubble wand (only to coat the floor with soapy solution when used in excess), but hey, it only contributes to all of the extra cleaning we are to do during these uncertain times! Nonetheless, creating fun sensory experiences after the sun sets was fun even before spending a lot more time at home.

A girl plays with light strings and toys.

August 14, 2020

"Miles, 5, giggled, smiled and moved with excitement as he was wheeled down the rows of sunflowers in a rural part of his state. He loved the soft tickling feeling of the leaves and weeds on his feet and legs and the rough movement in his wheelchair of the bumpy, rocky terrain. He went on a cool breezy evening with his family. It was a very sensory rich experience with the breeze in his hair and skin and the drive in the car on the gravel road."

Miles and Liam in a sunflower field.

July 17, 2020

The Iowa Deafblind Project held an event (prior to COVID-19) and invited their families to an accessible private screening of the movie Doolittle. It was one young boys first time going to the movies and he was very excited!

A theater of individuals watching an accessible movie, and a family excited to watch the movie.

August 7, 2020

Jackie enjoys swimming in the pool and is testing out new arm floats to help increase her confidence.

Jackie swimming with arm floats next to her mom.

July 31, 2020

Jackie enjoys helping in the kitchen. In this photo she is mixing dry ingredients with her hands which is a fun tactile experience for her.

Jackie mixing dry ingredients in a bowl with her hands.

July 3, 2020

We celebrate with this family from Pennsylvania as their son takes his first steps at the age of 14. His mother reflected: " I will forever love this picture of my son taking his very first steps at almost 15 years old! All of the hard work, sweat, sitting alone at doctors' offices, emergency rooms, operating waiting rooms, ICU, outside of resuscitation rooms, feeling alone, and feeling like no one understands, didn't even matter today. What mattered is that God allowed my son's brain and body to work together at the same time in order for him to do this; even if it was just for 15 minutes!"
The families of the deaf-blind community want you to know- You are not alone. We join in with your pride and joy every step of the way!

A boy walking with a physical therapist, and him smiling.

March 6, 2020

Since playing tunes at the age of 3, Taylor continues to compose her own pieces, play several instruments and conduct large ensembles.  As a college Freshman, Taylor is working on making music a lifetime pursuit with no limits in her way!

Taylor conducting a music ensemble.

February 28, 2020

Thanks to our participation at the PA Deaf-Blind Family Learning Conference last year, our family learned about the Yellow Dot Program administered through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). The yellow dot sticker alerts first responders that there is important medical information in the glove box. The first picture shows our daughter, Hannah, who is deaf-blind, and the placement of the yellow dot on our car. The second photo shows the envelope containing the medical information form to be placed in the glove compartment. This gives us a sense of relief to know that this information is readily available in an emergency. Perhaps other states have something similar to this program. The Hindmarch Family from Pennsylvania.

February 21, 2020 

Families with individuals with deaf-blindness enjoy recreation activities as we all do!  A true challenge exists for those who are deaf-blind to include recreation in their lives.  Families-Individuals-Educators-Professionals-and Friends should encourage the benefits of recreational activities.  In Pennsylvania, the family organization Pennsylvania Partnership for Deafblind (PPDB) sponsored a Sensory Day at an indoor trampoline park.  Families, individuals, board members of PPDB, staff from the state Pennsylvania Deaf-Blind Project, and friends joined for a great day of recreation.


Families posing at a trampoline park.

March 13, 2020

Check out Lexi taking two Texas Tonix orders to the Salado, Texas Post Office. She helps pack them too! Great work, Lexi!

Lexi holding mail packages at the post office.

October 16, 2020 

Virtual learning has been a challenge for everyone but we have found a way to  make it work for us. Liam loves to listen to the presentation and then we pause the video and allow him to Braille what he has heard. It is a way to get him to focus on what he is hearing and also to work on his Braille skills. 

Liam signing with is mom, next to his laptop and braille machine.

May 15, 2020

Staying in has its benefits - more opportunity to spend time with family! Liam loves to play Braille Uno with his dad and brother. A chance to practice Braille skills and game strategy but more importantly time to bond with his favorite people while passing the time in quarantine!

A family plays a braille uno card game.

May 8, 2020

When you are cooped up all day with social distancing you have to get creative. We were able to use our son Luke's lift to set up a swing for his younger brother Clay. Medical equipment getting a fun win for everyone!

A swing is attached to a lift system and a boy sits inside the swing.

May 1, 2020

While we are all practicing our social distancing skills, we still can do things to help others. Our kids set up a free library. They have sorted through the books that they have loved and are ready for other kiddos to love them! So awesome to be thinking of others during this difficult time!

April 10, 2020

Free HKNC E-Learning Opportunities for Families & Support Providers HKNC is offering access to their online courses free of charge to families and service providers until May 31. Contact your HKNC regional representative or email PLD if you are interested in any of the classes at this link



February 22, 2019

Meet Kim Lauger, the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation’s Family Liaison for Arizona. It looks like her family has lots of fun spending time together all about town. If you are wondering if you have a CHARGE Liaison in your state, go here: They would love to connect with you! 

February 22, 2019 

Meet Casey Adams, the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation’s Family Liaison for Arkansas. Looks like she and her family have lots of fun spending time together in the great outdoors. Maybe just not right now in the cold of the winter! If you are wondering if you have a CHARGE Liaison in your state, go here: They would love to connect with you!

June 28, 2019 

We are the Eder family. Berniece Ann is 11 years old. She is diagnosed with Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency, including, DeafBlindness. These pictures were taken at the Annual Disability conference in Orlando FL. 

The Eder family at the conference.

June 21, 2019

The Florida parent state liaison for CHARGE Syndrome arranged a meet and greet for families that attended The Annual Family Café, the nation's largest cross-disability event in Florida. These pictures show the love and connection these families experienced!

June 14, 2019

This is Kody, he’s 21. He was officially a senior this year. He is DeafBlind. He attended his high school awards ceremony and received these two awards. He is with his intervener who works with him at school. Since learning tactile sign language his world has changed. He is able to request his wants and needs. Kody of course, has mastered what he wants to eat and drink and go home (while at school). Kody has one more year of school and we are hoping he will continue to make progress. 

June 7, 2019

Jaxson is 2 and a half years old and was diagnosed with CHARGE Syndrome after birth. Jaxson also loves going to the beach! He plays in the sand for hours, digging and burying his feet and hands. Jaxson has trach and so is not able to go swimming but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying the water, he loves to put his feet in the water and kick and splash around. On weekends when we aren’t able to take a trip to the beach we fill up Jaxson’s outdoor sand table and the kiddie pool and bring the beach to our backyard. Jaxson loves to explore his world and any opportunity he has to touch, feel, taste, move and explore the world around him he takes it.

March 29, 2019

Gabriel fully participates in family & community life. He has been diagnosed with Larsen Syndrome and Autism. He loved Disneyworld and spending time at a local farm. Their family motto is life is too precious and too short not to make the most of everyday.

March 22, 2019

Payton is 5 years old. When she was born her family learned that she had Trisomy 18 and was told she would not likely make it one week. Shortly after she was born she failed her first hearing screening beginning the hearing loss journey. Finding the right hearing aid for her that doesn’t overload her sensory issues has been a ongoing challenge. We are currently trialing the new AdHear device. Despite these hurdles Payton loves to have fun & lives an incredibly full life without limitations! Payton enjoys going to school with her friends, the movies, traveling (she has visited 8 different states, seen the total solar eclipse, the mountains, numerous beaches, museums, zoos, aquariums and theme parks). She loves digging her feet in the sand at the beach. Payton was also promoted to Big Sister in August 2018. She is the best big sister and enjoys playing with her new baby sister, Bailey. Bailey is usually very sad when Payton is at school and refuses to play on the floor unless Payton is with her. They truly have a unique special bond!

September 28, 2019

Christopher and his mom Kim took a vacation to the “Alligator Attraction” which is full of exotic animals. The staff provided a special tour for their family so that Christopher could learn more about the animals through touch. When they left, the owner let them know how grateful he was to have been able to share the experience with Christopher and the family was thrilled.

Christopher at Alligator Attractions, holding an alligator

March 15, 2019

Javier is a 19-year-old young man with 13q deletion syndrome who lives in Florida. You will see from the pictures that he enjoys fun activities; looking at the night lights in Daytona Beach, enjoying the water park, & enjoying Disney Parks with his mom and dad.

in the top left photo Javier is sitting in a pool with a bright green tank top, in the top right photo Javier is looking up at night, in the bottom right photo Javier is standing in front of a character, in the bottom left photo Javier is wearing a straw

July 12, 2019

Miles Fredericks of Iowa has been enjoying the recent nice weather on bike rides with his family. Miles was gifted this unique bike that allows Miles to be fully supported, participate in family activities & enjoy the breeze that he loves so much.

There are three photos. There are three people on bikes, the father has one child in an adaptive bike

May 17, 2019

Rees is a 12 year old from Houston who enjoys going to the theatre. Rees’s parents know how important it is for Rees to enjoy the arts. In the summer Rees attends The River, a theatre camp in where he gets the chance to create art.

there are four photos of Rees enjoying the theatre and theatre camp

June 28, 2019

We are the Eder family. Berniece Ann is 11 years old. She is diagnosed with Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency, including, DeafBlindness. These pictures were taken at the Annual Disability conference in Orlando FL.

There are three photos of the Eder family

July 26, 2019

Iowa families enjoyed time together at the Blank Park Zoo who had one-on-one time with a few animal friends & enjoyed time to chat with each other over lunch. Everyone loved the diverse textures, unique features and the different movements of the animals!

Family is at the zoo having one-on-one time with a few animal friends

July 19, 2019

This is Hannah, Samantha’s daughter with CHARGE. She is proud of the hard work she put into making her own sandwich for lunch!

in the right photo Hannah is making a sandwich and the left photo Hannah is holding a sandwich

September 6, 2019

As the school year gets started here is a great article on tips for what to do the first day, first week and first month.


February 22, 2019

Families in Iowa enjoyed spending time “away” from the cold at the pool. Temperatures are below zero for several weeks with multiple snow storms. Its a chance to meet new friends, play together and share support for each other’s families in the “warm” weather.

There are two photos there is a family in the pool


April 13, 2018

Mayzie's celebrated her 5th birthday with her classmates (who all experience vision impairment and several experience DeafBlindness) by bringing a company to her class that allows the child to personalize a stuffed animal. They chose which animal they wanted, worked the machine to put the stuffing inside, and chose either a scent or sound to go inside. It was so much fun and we loved seeing each child's personality come through in their choices!

Mayzie wearing a birthday crown stuffing a bear at Build-a-Bear.

November 9, 2018

One morning Dominic was getting on the bus & his bus driver turns & says you are really lucky to have him. It was one of those moments when I stopped smiled & said 'Yes I Am!' I feel lucky to have him but it’s even better when someone else notices!

Dominic with his mom.

November 2, 2018

Grace and her brother, Jack are enjoying a beautiful day adventuring in New Hampshire. Have you taken a bike ride lately?

Jack and grace riding an accessible bike.

January 26, 2018

"Hannah is tearing it up on the dance floor at a friend's wedding," writes Hannah's mom Samantha. "Her favorite part was having her dress twirl on the dance floor and the wooden floor helped her feel the rhythm! Way to swing, Hannah!"

Hannah is holding the hands of a peer and dancing, Hannah is standing alone on stage dancing

April 27, 2018

With spring finally here, think about taking a trip to the Zoo with your child. It’s an endless sea of sensory experiences!

Child is standing in front of different animals at the zoo

March 2, 2018

To celebrate Dr. Seuss Day check out this picture of Kase as the “Cat in the Hat” during “Read Across America”. It is never too early to promote literacy, regardless of the mode of communication. Kase was signing his ABC’s and was 2 years old in this picture.

Kase is wearing a white and red large striped hat and a red bow. Kase is signing the letter "E"

June 15, 2018

Andrew's mom had to get her driver’s license renewed so she decided to bring Andrew along to get his ID renewed as well. She felt like he deserved to have his picture taken at the DMV like all the other 15 year old teenagers.

There is a boy in the photo on the left sitting wearing a mickey mouse shirt holding up an ID. The photo on the right is the same boy standing in front of the SCDMV wall

February 23, 2018

Sensory is fun! Playing in the mud is about as fun as it gets for these three siblings. Who fell in first of all the siblings?

There are three children holding hands barefoot in a puddle.  There is a young girl on the left in a pink jacket and jeans. There is a young boy in the middle wearing a grey jacket, and another young girl on the right wearing a colorful tutu .

July 27, 2018

Sibling love can be a powerful thing!  Grace loves to goof around with her brother Jack.

Description: Two children wear big eye toy glasses.


Two children wear big eye toy glasses.

May 4, 2018

Ready, Set, SHOP!  Taking your child to the store can be a great way to teach them where to locate their favorite items and increase their independence in the community.

There are two photos of a child in orange at the store shopping


April 28, 2017

Valerie, who is deaf-blind, has fun exploring outdoors with her family.

A collage of images of valerie doing outdoor activities with her family, including horseback riding, swimming, playing at the park.

April 21, 2017

Sonia Hernandez talks about what her daughter likes to do for fun. (Turn on the captions for the English translation.)

April 14, 2017

Sonia Hernandez talks about why her daughter was born deaf-blind. (Turn on the captions for the English translation.)

April 7, 2017

In this video, Sonia Hernandez introduces her daughter, who is deaf-blind. (Turn on the captions for the English translation.)

July 7, 2017

Ivey's mom, Gwen, writes: "In the spirit of summer traveling and vacations, I would like to share how Ivey entertains herself while traveling in the car. Whether we are taxiing Ivey’s brothers to practice, running an errand, or driving to the beach, this keeps Ivey entertained and engaged. I found a storage container that provides the perfect OT footrest and stores Ivey’s extra medical supplies that may be needed while traveling, yet cannot be found in Walmart. I hung a car clothes bar across the backseat, added sensory items, and voila, Ivey’s very own “little room,” automotive style. This has been our saving grace in the many hours spent in my car traveling across town, to doctors, and especially on long trips. Oh, and if you want to spice things up, use Velcro to attach a musical toy or a switch to the lid of the container and let their little feet play." 

Ivey sitting in the car with sensory toys/items in front of her.

May 19, 2017

Jonathan loved books but never liked story time at the local community library. He couldn't see or hear well enough to follow along and so instead of sitting, he always ran away. Mom and the librarian hatched a plan. Jonathan's mom found a way to get him an FM system, and the librarian agreed to bring a second copy of the stories to all PJ story times, just in case Jonathan showed up. The difference was immediate. Instead of running away, Jonathan now enjoys PJ story time with other preschoolers.

Jonathon and his mom read a book.

June 30, 2017

Exercise is a valuable part of mental and physical health. For Jake, going to the gym is not only recreational, but social, fun, and a chance to see all the machines in motion.

Jake is using an elliptical machine and bicycle exercise machine

June 23, 2017

The end of the school year can be such an exciting time!  As you can see, Devin is celebrating and can't wait for what summer brings! #summerfunforkids #barefootandhappy

Devin is wearing a red t-shirt. He is standing outside

July 21, 2017

Ever considered taking your child to an amusement park? Although Jake loves the lights and sounds of the arcade and the cool prizes, the highest, fastest, most gut-wrenching roller coasters are the BEST in his book! Go MAMBA!!! [Mamba is a rollercoaster in Kansas City, MO.]

Jake is at an amusement park, In the left photo he is wearing a large straw hat and giant orange sunglasses. In the right photo he is sitting next to someone on a roller coaster

June 9, 2017

This is what happens when Mom takes too long in the morning. Sometimes you've just got to take matters into your own hands!

Child in red shirt is sitting holding yogurt

November 3, 2017

Halloween is such a fun time for children -- but trick-or-treating in the dark can kind of be tricky for a child with combined vision and hearing loss," writes Hannah's mom Samantha.  "Here's a tip...Try going out before it gets dark to help your child navigate more easily and let your neighbors know you'll be stopping by a wee early."

[Image: Teed family children (with their father) in Halloween costumes ranging from Harry Potter to an animal to a witch. They hold pumpkin baskets for candy. It's daylight and they are outside of a building.


Teed family children (with their father) in Halloween costumes ranging from Harry Potter to an animal to a witch. They hold pumpkin baskets for candy. It's daylight and they are outside of a building.

June 2, 2017

Expressive communication for learners with deafblindness can sometimes be a challenge. But there's no doubt that Devin is loving life in this picture! What makes your child giggle? Whatever it may be, do more of it today.

[Image: A young boy with a big smile clasps his hands in front of his face.]


A young boy with a big smile clasps his hands in front of his face


April 29, 2016

A family in Arizona recently ran a 5k. When they got to the finish line, they took Soliz and Camila out of their running strollers and they walked across the finish line in their walkers. This was a great way to build self-esteem as the crowd was cheering for them as they walked across and completed this awesome goal!  

Soliz and Camila walking with their walkers in a 5k race.

April 22, 2016

Camila has a very special bond with her Grandma Jojo. They swim together whenever they can. In this particular photo Camila is completely relaxed as the water helps bring her out of gravity. There are other times she is very active in the water and able to work on skills like holding onto a soft toy, something that is difficult for her to do on land. She also loves holding her breath and going under the water!  

Camilla swims in the pool with her grandma.

April 15, 2016

Soliz and Camila love being outdoors! We try and go hiking and camping with them as much as possible. They can't walk independently yet, but Soliz was able to hike down the hill with assistance. They love sitting in the dirt and enjoying the fresh air with their doggie companion, Sammy. And the hike back to the car was full of proprioceptive input. They love it!  

Soliz and Camilla sit on the ground with their dog

April 8, 2016

Soliz loves the kitchen, and recently after mealtime he started guiding us to the sink. We decided to see if he could help us wash the dishes. In the video below, he is with his dad washing out his syringe and tube using hand under hand technique. He loves helping to wash dishes!

December 30, 2016

Happy (almost) 2017! New Year’s Eve can be a time of excitement for all children—but it was especially true for Norman. It was a tradition of his family to celebrate New Year’s in Las Vegas. Imagine all the sights and sounds that he was able to experience. Hoping his smile brings you joy as you embark into the coming year!  

December 23, 2016 

In the spirit of gift-giving at the holidays, we hope you enjoy this super-short video of a young man named Norman and his mom, Myrna. It was their Christmas tradition to surround Norman with all his presents and then they all helped him open them. We hope you remember to cherish those you love this holiday season—as they are the real gift. 

December 16, 2016

Over the holidays, there are always lots of sports on TV. Remember that taking time to share your love of a sport with your child can be a cool thing to experience together. Norman and his dad used to hang out and watch soccer together, and you can tell Norman loved it.

February 19, 2016 

Julia loves participating in sports! Our family has always loved skiing. Two years ago through VIP Sports, Julia learned how to ski and she loved it! Participating in sporting events is different for a person who is deaf-blind, but we always tell Julia to focus on what she can do! 

November 25, 2016

Fall is a beautiful time of year to let your child explore the outdoors. The new sounds of the crisp leaves, the new smells and textures are a sensory delight for our children with combined vision and hearing loss. Liam loves the season of autumn and all the new experiences it brings! 

Liam walking with a cane next to a pile of leaves.

May 20, 2016

Nate is four years old and has dual sensory impairment. Nate’s Early Intervention hearing support teacher educated his parents about the importance of the “right ear advantage,” meaning speaking into his right ear to maximize his hearing. In order for Nate to engage with family, friends and teachers a strategy was developed to help them remember which ear to speak in to for him to hear better. They simply put a fun, colorful sticker around the right temple of Nate’s glasses frame. Often times, they get stickers that Nate is most excited about like Star Wars or Ninja Turtles. This small step has enabled Nate to more fully participate in activities and routines, learn from his environment, communicate and interact with others, and foster a sense of inclusion and belonging.

Nate smiling

March 25, 2016

An iPad is a wonderful tool for a child who is deaf-blind with some functional vision. The “control +” enlarges anything on the internet so it can be made the proper size for your child to see the image. Taking pictures or screenshots with the iPad allows you make things that were previously inaccessible accessible to your child. The ability to zoom in enables one to see what previously could not be seen. The world becomes more accessible for the visually impaired!

A child holds an ipad with a bright green case around it

August 19, 2016

Friendship is an integral part of living a happy and complete life.  Since an early age, Ryan’s parents have made it a priority to maintain consistent friendships for Ryan.  This helps allow him to celebrate and communicate successfully which makes for a much happier birthday!!!

A young boy wearing an orange shirt is sitting in a stroller with a young girl standing next to him. The young girl has a "Happy Birthday: headband on her head.

October 21, 2016

Upon return to school, maintaining an understanding of what a week day versus weekend day is can be really confusing.  A few tips to help with this would be to: review the upcoming day as part of the bedtime routine, having a schedule displayed where your child can check to see what’s next; and having a distinct wake up ritual for days that are/ are not school days.

A child is sitting wearing a pink hat and glasses. The child has a black dog with a blue patterned bandana on their lap

January 8, 2016

The power of  the love of a mom can never be underestimated - especially in the life of a child who experiences combined vision and hearing loss. In this new year, be grateful for the presence of the ones you love in your life and the impact that your consistency can have on the development of your child.

A mom in a black shirt with light hair is holding a young boy with a yellow shirt. They are facing away from the camera

April 15, 2016

Soliz and Camila love being outdoors! We try and go hiking and camping with them as much as possible. They can't walk independently yet but Soliz was able to hike down the hill with assistance. They love sitting in the dirt and enjoying the fresh air with their doggie companion Sammy. And the hike back to the car was full of proprioceptive input. They love it!

There are two young boys sitting outside on rocks with a rock structure around them

November 11, 2016

Logan (9yrs old) was always asking  what's going on tomorrow, this weekend, next week, even next month. So his mom set up different calendars on her iPhone (which had other calendars like family and school). These are also on Logan's iPad calendar (be sure to set it as view only and not edit). Now Logan can look at his calendar whenever he needs to and he can see what's going on at school or if he has a day off. He can even looks to see when he has a doctor appointment, which doctor it's with, and where it's at. Logan has even helped his mom choose the right doctor location

A young boy is sitting in a chair wearing a red shirt, he is looking at an ipad

November 4, 2016

Luke recently had the joy of becoming a big brother again. One thing we did to prepare Luke was let him explore things like Clay’s playpen and other baby items. This helped satisfy his curiosity of these new pieces of furniture in his environment before his baby brother was actually using these things.

Luke is sitting shirtless inside of new baby equipment

July 8, 2016

Need some inspiration? Meet Jackie Kopaska, CEO of Jackie K Bags. You can see her bags and place an order through her Facebook account, JackieKBags!

If you will be attending the NFADB conference next week, she will also have a table set up to sell her beautiful bags!


A woman in wearing pink with short dark hair is sitting in front of several bags hanging

January 29, 2016

The importance of touch can never be underestimated for a child with combined vision and hearing loss.  For Devin, it's a way of saying I care about you and I know you care about me. Make sure to hug your kiddo today!

There is a blonde woman with a white shirt hugging Devin

August 26, 2016

Take me out to the ballgame!  Make sure to have your child be a part of all of the family activities even when it may require a little more time and effort. Little brothers enjoy having their bigger brothers there to cheer them on!

There are two brothers, one brother is wearing a red baseball uniform. The other brother is wearing a blue shirt sitting in a stroller

November 25, 2016

Fall is a beautiful time of year to let your child explore the outdoors. The new sounds of the crisp leaves, the new smells and textures are a sensory delight for our children with combined vision and hearing losses. Liam loves the season of autumn and all the new experiences it brings!

Liam is walking outside using a cane

June 3, 2016

Life as a deaf-blind young adult can be so much fun!  Every Tuesday night Jackie hits the town to see a current release at her local movie theater with her family and friends (depending on what movie she selects).  Bring on the M&M's!

Jackie is in front of a sign with M&M's that says "The Teeth!"

September 2, 2016

When summer finally hits and Ryan has not been swimming for awhile, there’s a slight bit of reluctance. His mom, Kelly, provides him with a little extra support from behind so he can still see the water and freely use his hands to explore.  Within a few minutes, he’s ready to go!

There is a woman in a pool holding Ryan

January 22, 2016

Sports sometimes are an integral way of actively involving the community in the lives of children with combined vision and hearing loss. Check with your local Special Olympics or Children's Miracle Network and see how you can get your child involved as a member of a team. It's sure to be a win!

There is a child with a support person playing sports

July 1, 2016

Ladies Night Out (away from your parents) should be something that every young adult gets to look forward to.  Luckily for Jackie, she has a great friendship circle that allows her to "cut loose" without her mom and dad by her side.

there are 3 people standing with Jackie

July 15, 2016

Trusting bonds are formed by consistent access to your communication partner and providing reliable routines.  When traveling, make sure to take frequent breaks to explain and show your child what’s coming next so they can anticipate and feel safe.

there is a young boy with a woman next to him smiling

December 2, 2016

Needing some cool ideas holiday gifts? The link below provides story box ideas for holiday tales, real object advent calendars, braille apple cinnamon ornaments and much more!

October 7, 2016

Please watch and celebrate the learning that occurred this past summer for families across the nation at the 2016 NFADB Symposium!


October 2, 2015

Encourage interactions amongst family and friends even if everyone is not fluent in their primary language/mode of communication. Meet Molly and her cousin, Violet. This pair of New Jersey 3-year-olds love to play together. Their family teaches Violet different ways to help Molly during playtime including: speaking face-to-face with her, tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention, and holding her hand while they walk on uneven surfaces.

Molly and Violet are outside in the grass

September 11, 2015

Would you like your child to be more independent in the shower and make sure they don't forget a key step? A parent in KS created this visual schedule and mounted it on the inside of her son's shower so that he could be more independent when getting washed up.  He peels off an icon on the left and moves it to the velcro strip on the right so he can visually track what's next to be done. Who knew bathing and literacy could be taught at the same time?

There are two strips of velcro on the left strip there is several different PECS icons related to taking a shower

December 18, 2015

Looking for creative ways to keep your child engaged at the holidays?  Here are some great ideas provided by Michelle and Hannah Miller from Mississippi for children who experience Cortical Visual Impairment.

There is a holiday season flyer

December 25, 2015

Teaching children who experience combined vision and hearing loss about abstract concepts can be a challenge.  Take Santa Claus, for example.  A mom in Kansas took her son to meet Santa to show him that he's a person, he wears a soft red suit, has a fuzzy white beard and white gloves.  Not so sure Devin liked the experience, but at least now he has a greater understanding for the meaning of "Santa"

October 16, 2015

Be the Educator! Meet Ava, this New Jersey 9 year old takes the time to educate her peers about hearing loss, vision loss, and deaf-blindness. She makes it fun by doing simulation activities so her friends have an opportunity to walk in her shoes. This enables her friends to be a part of her life while being aware of why modifications are being made in the classroom.

There are 6 photos of Ava educating her peers. She is using simulation activities

October 9, 2015

We all know what a struggle it can be finding all the accessories that accompany our children, especially at times when we are ready to walk out the door. Create a convenient place to store these items that make them easily accessible (using double-sided Velcro to help the devices stay in place). This promotes independence and reduces frustration for everyone!

There are three photos of accessory organization