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Módulos OHOA en español: Disposición para aprender


Axelrod, C. Helping you and your child get a good night's sleep. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. 

Bernstein, V. (no date). Good sleep strategies. [Webcast]. Perkins.

Blaha, R. (no date). Thoughts on the assessment of the student with the most profound disabilities. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. 

Bringing it All Back Home Project. Home talk: A family assessment of children who are deafblind. Design to Learn Project, Oregon Health and Science University. Extraído de

Brown, D. (2011). Stress: Good cop or bad cop? reSources, 16(1). Retrieved from

Brown, D. (2012). Sensory confusion. reSources, 17(1). Extraído de

Bruce, S. (2005). The application of Werner and Kaplan’s “distancing” to children who are deafblind. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 99(8), 464–477.

Bruce, S. M., & Vargas, C. (2007). Intentional communication acts expressed by children with severe disabilities in high rate contexts. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 23(4), 300–311.

Chen,D., Alsop,L., & Minor, L. (2000). Lessons from Project PLAI in California and Utah: Implications for early intervention services to infants who are deaf-blind and their families. Deaf-blind Perspectives, 7(3), 1-5. Extraído de

Cooper, H. (2001, Fall). What I learned at the CHARGE syndrome foundation conference: P is for Pain. TX SenseAbilities, 5(4), 14-17. 

DISH (Deafblind Intervention Strategies for the Home). (no date). Biobehavioral states: When are they ready to learn? Extraído el 19 de septiembre de 2013 de

Falvey, M. A., Forest, M., Pearpoint, J., & Rosenberg, R. L. (2003). All my life’s a circle: Using the tools: Circles, MAPS and PATH. Toronto: Inclusion Press.

Morgan, S. (2004) Biobehavioral states. [Slide Presentation] Hunter College SPED 746. Extraído de

NICHCY. (1987). Substance over style: Assessing the efficacy of modality testing and teaching.

Rodriguez-Gil, G. (2009). Fundamental classroom conditions to enhance learning experiences for students who are deaf-blind. reSources, 14(2). Extraído de

Rowland, C. (2013). Handbook: Online communication matrix. Oregon Health and Science University. Extraído de

Shafer, S., & Moss, K. (2011). Job one for educators: Becoming a good playmate. Extraído de

Smith, M., & Levack, N. (1996). Teaching students with visual and multiple impairments: A resource guide (“Biobehavioral state management for students with profound impairments,” pp. 239-254). Austin, TX: Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Smith, M., & Shafer, S. (no date). Assessment of biobehavioral states and analysis of related influences. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. 

Teachnology. (no date). How brain based learning is changing the face of education. Extraído de

University of South Florida. (no date). My health passport. Extraído de

Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind. (no date). Patterns for emotional state and stress regulation.

Van Dijk, J. (no date). Child-guided assessment. [Webcast]. Perkins.

Van Dijk, J. (no date). The role of the emotional brain. [Video clip]. Perkins.

Walters, J. (1994, Fall). Behaviors in persons with CRS: A response. NFADB Newsletter.

Wright, D. (no date). Adapting environments for individuals with vision loss. [Webcast]. Perkins.